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Volshebny Mir Kennel newsin 200617.09.06 CAC.UA (Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk) Judge Vitaly Khizhnyak (Ukraine) Amaliya Volshebny Mir – СAC Completed norm Grand Champion of Ukraine (GRCH UA) 16.09.06 FCI-CACIB (Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk) Judge Antal Istvan Janos (Romania) Amaliya Volshebny Mir – СAC, CACIB 25.06.06 CAC.UA, Championship Dalmatian (Ukraine, Mariupol) Judge Galina Zhuk (Belarus) Amaliya Volshebny Mir – СAC, Best Bich, WINNER UA Completed norm Champion of Ukraine (CH UA) 25.06.06 CAC.UA (Ukraine, Mariupol) Judge Marina Gerasimova (Russia) Amaliya Volshebny Mir – СAC Click on the link below to view the year news Volshebny Mir Kennel for other years2020 |
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