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Dalmatian & Russian Toy Volshebny Mir Kennel / ArticleFCI-Standard N° 352 / 12.06.2006 Translation GB 30.05.2011 Russian Toy TRANSLATION: RKF, revised by R. Triquet and J. Mulholland. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: At the beginning of the 20th century, the English Toy Terrier was one of the most popular toy dogs in Russia. However, in the period 1920 – 1950 the breeding of pure toy terriers was almost stopped and the number of dogs fell to a critical level. Only in the mid-fifties did Russian dog-breeders begin the revival of the breed. Practically all dogs which were used for breeding had no pedigrees; many of them were not pure blood. The Standard drafted for Toy Terriers significantly differed from that of the English Toy Terrier in many aspects. From this moment, the evolution of the breed in Russia went its own way.On the 12th of October, 1958 two smooth-haired dogs, one of which had slightly longer hair, gave birth to a male dog with a spectacular fringes on ears and limbs. It was decided to keep this feature.The male was mated with a female which also had slightly long hair. Thus the longhaired variety of the Russian Toy appeared. It was called Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier. A dog breeder from Moscow, Yevgueniya Fominichna Zharova, played an important role in the creation of this breed variant.It was during a long period of development, in an isolated context, along with a specifically conducted selection that a new breed was created : the Russian Toy with two varieties:longhaired and smooth-haired. GENERAL APPEARANCE: A small elegant dog, lively, long-legged, with fine bone and lean muscles. Sexual dimorphism only slightly defined. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Square build. The height at elbows is only slightly more than half of the height at withers ; the chest is sufficiently deep. BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Active, very cheerful, neither cowardly nor aggressive. The behaviour is significantly different between males and females. HEAD: Small compared to the body. CRANIAL REGION: Skull: High but not too wide (width at the level of zygomatic arches does not exceed the depth of the skull). FACIAL REGION: Nose: Small, black or matching the coat colour. NECK: Long, lean, carried high, slightly arched. BODY: Topline: Gradually sloping from the withers to the root of the tail. TAIL: Docked (only two or three vertebrae are left), carried high. In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, it is left in its natural state. Undocked: sickle tail. It should not be carried lower than back level. LIMBSFOREQUARTERS: Thin and lean; seen from the front, the front legs are straight and parallel. Shoulders: The shoulder blades are moderately long and not too sloping. HINDQUARTERS: Seen from the rear, the hind legs are straight and parallel, but standing a little bit wider than the forelegs. Stifles and hocks are sufficiently bent. GAIT/MOVEMENT: Easy, straightforward, fast. No noticeable change in the topline when moving. SKIN: Thin, dry and tight-fitting. COAT HAIR: There exists two types for the breed: smooth-haired and longhaired. COLOUR: Black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan. Also red of any shade with or without black or brown overlay. Richer shades are preferable for all colours. SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at withers: Dogs and bitches: 20 – 28 cm (tolerance +/- 1 cm) FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: ·Aggressive, overly shy. ·Overshot, pronounced undershot. Absence of 1 canine; absence of more than 2 incisors in either jaw. ·Hanging ears. ·Short legs. ·Many bald patches in short-haired dogs. ·Longhaired dogs: absence of fringes on ears and presence of curly hair. ·White coat, white spots on the head, abdomen and above metacarpus; large white patches on chest and throat, presence of brindle markings. ·Size over 30 cm or under 18 cm. ·Weight less than 1 kg. Any dogs clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. NB: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |
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